Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hological Reflection

Holological Reflection
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

In my previous blog, I was telling you a my story of logic in a subjective perspective. In the end of the story I invite readers to join my new egroup holologics@yahogroups.com. Well, what is holologics? Holologics is a study of logics as parts of an integral whole as an abstract object LOGIC in the subspace of the Platonic mathematical space of numbers and forms. It seems that the object LOGIC is a network of logics as abstract system in the ideal world of Plato. Its realizations in material world had been emerging as parts of the development of human civilization in response to technological revolutions.

Firstly, logic as a science was studied verbally by Aristotle  who symbolized the terms of a syllogism with letters. Structurally, a syllogism can be seen as three propositions containing three types of letter each one is occuring once in each proposition. The first pair of proposition is called premises and the last proposition is called conclusion. I will call Aristotlean logic as logologic as the concise term for word logic. The logological revolution followed the agricultural urban revolution.

In the nineteenth century George Boole

  make a revolutionary step in logic by replacing words of aristotle with mathematical symbols so every propositions is expressed by an algebraic equations, and reasoning become eliminations of variables in a system of equations. I will call such algebraic method as algologic as concise term for algebraic logic. The algological revolution is following the mechanical industrial revolution.

Charles Sanders Peirce   and Gottlob Frege   make another revolution when they represented any logical expressions as diagrams in two dimensional space. Peirce used circles   and Gottlob Frege  used trees  . Later, George Spencer-Brown 

 used crosses  and Louis Kauffman 

  used boxes   as parts of their expressions of logical propositions. I will call such method as pictologic as the concise term of pictorial logic. Pictological revolution was following the electrical industrial revolution.

Inspired by pictologic which still used letters as representation of variable, I replaced letters with the pictures of colored objects  to create what I called as objective logic algebra   . Calculating logic with objective algebra, I am inspired to replace boxes and trees with real objects like cards and sticks to transform the algebras of logic into games of thing  . I will call my three dimensional method as hylologic as the concise term for object logic. Hylological revolution is following informational electronic revolution.

I think my discovery is only a last step in the chain of a long tradition of doing logic with devices. John Venn the discoverer of Venn method used movable parts of wooden ellipses. William Stanley Jevons created a logical piano  to reason with syllogism.  Allan Marquand

. William Stanley Jevons 
improved Jevon’s machine to make his own logical machine  . Peirce transformed Marquand mechanical machine into an electromagnetic  logical machine  . Today we have computers as a logical machines.
Logologic, algologic, pictologic and hylologic are representations of the abstract logic. As I see it now, the process of realization seems to be following a path of methodological simplification. You are invited to join the logic REVOLUTION :)

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