Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Steps toward Holologics

Steps toward Holologics

Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

For me, a physicist, the simplicity of physics is its beauty. For example, when we want to describe the motion of all objects, on earth or in heaven, we simply use Newton’s three laws of motion only + the law of gravity. For me it’s as beautiful as the fact that to explain so many geomtric facts , we only need just six axioms. The beauty of this geometry in junior high I get when axiomatic geometry is still taught as a subject.In the 19th century when George Boole  boole  finally formulate logic as an algebra based on a very simple arithmetic based only two numbers, 0 and 1. With this new formulation, the verbal Aristotelian syllogism in logic  is merely a special case of logical tautology. But I still wonder: how many are the axioms of logic algebra.

The problem is, what is the axiom basis of logic and how many? The formal foundations of mathematics are called axioms. For example, Euclidean geometry is built on the basis of just six axioms. That is why in the past, when I was a university student, when I learn that the propositional calculus of Whitehead whitehead-Russell russell, in his Principia Mathematica , built on five axioms and one rule of inference, I was so amazed. However, it turns out that my admiration is nothing. It is just the first step on the way to the highest admiration in the end phase of may journey to Boolean space as a part of the Platonic space of ideas.

When I became a lecturer in the 70s of last century, in the British Council library of Bandung, I found a book called “Laws of Form”, written by George Spencer Brown brown , Which was praised by Bertrand Russell as the greatest discovery in the field of mathematics, I was very interested. But then I am very disappointed, because I can not understand the strange formulas listed in the book. Unfortunately, later on, the book was missing from the library book shelves so that I could never read it again.

Fortunately, I was connected to the internet in 2000, when I was retired. In the internet, I found an electronic book titled “Laws of Form” by Louis Kauffman . From it, I know that the strange formulas in the Spencer-Brown book of the 70s actually are the algebraic equations in the Boolean logic in an unconventional notation. Later on, I reformulated Brownian algebra in a box algebra with colored balls: Objective primary algebra
I was so excited to know the fact that Spencer-Brown managed to cut the number of axioms of Russell-Whitehead to just two. For me, this means that mathematical logic is much more beautiful than geometry. This fact truly amazed me, because the Boolean algebra of logic is only based on a pair of axioms. At the end of this article I’ll show you that the basic axioms of algebraic logic is not two, but one that is 1. Please follow my journey towards this ultimate truth.

Axiomatic Unity of Logic

When I discovered that there is a double foundation logic space, I asked: is the beauty of the logic ended there? Praise God, the logic was much more beautiful. You see, I found out later, Louis Kauffman managed to cut the number of axioms of algebraic logic. It only took a single axiom. But unfortunately, the axiom that when I first read it is not intuitive. Thankfully, in his book, Kauffman stated that the formulas Brown strange it can be read by two different meanings framework: disjunctively and conjunctively.

Within the framework of a disjunctive meaning, as adopted Spencer-Brown, the juxtaposition of two letters, which represent the two statements, considered as a merger of the two by OR. Within the framework of conjunction, as it is embraced by Charles Sanders Peirce, the juxtaposition was read as merging two statements by AND. If we merge disjunctively, VOID is read as a symbol for FALSE, while the incorporation of conjunctive merge, VOID is the epitome of TRUE.

When I read the single axiom Kauffman conjunctively, I immediately noticed that the single axiom is actually none other than the mathematical expression of an ancient principle, pre-Aristotle , Contradictio ad Absurdum   . The principle states that a statement is true if and only if the denial contradictory. It is very intuitive, because the principle that means: A IS TRUE  IF AND ONLY IF NOT A IS FALSE.

You can imagine how happy I was, when it discovered that modern algebra Boolean logic it turns out to be founded on an ancient logic principle has been known long before Aristotle formulated the science of logic. This fact shows that the basic logic is only one and this one turned out to be very intuitive. For me this is ultimately showing the beauty of simplicity of logic. Read Ultimate Simplicity of Logic

The Syllogistic Unity

However, my happiness was tainted because I was unable to derive the Aristotelian syllogism from Boolean algebra. The explanation Boole in his famous book was “Laws of Thought” on Aristotelian syllogism proves how completely beyond my comprehension because it is so complex. However, in the appendix to the book “Laws of Form” Spencer Brown describes a simple prove of the validity of the Aristotelian syllogism Barbara from algebra by using his strange notation.

Spencer-Brown even stated that the whole 24 varieties of valid syllogism can be proved in the same way. I do not know, what are the 24 varieties of valid syllogism. Fortunately, I finally found that out in an Wikipedia article about the syllogism. Over the years I unsuccessfully tried to prove that Brown’s statement. For that, fortunately, I was helped by a pictorial notation Kauffman symbolizing NOT operation with confinement in a BOX.

For ease of visualization. I replace the letters in algebra Box Kauffman with colorful balls. The new pictorial Algebra I call the object logic. Thanks God, by reading the box algebra of Kauffman as a game drawing and erasing pictures, finally I can attest to the validity of the 24 Aristotelian-Leibniz syllogism.
Even at the end, I can attest to the 24 valid syllogism was equivalent to each other. The fact that I refer to as the unity of syllogistic this made me even happier. You see, I find out that it has not been disclosed by others throughout my search on the Internet eith Google search engine. I reported my findings in a series of blogs that I then united in a ebook: Syllogistic Unity. Read Syllogistic unity

The Tautological Unity

However, the excitement does not last long, when then realized that it was trivial, because if a valid syllogism means he is equivalent to 1 or TRUE. Because everything is equivalent to one, then by itself all the valid syllogism equivalent to each other. However, this finding would indicate that all identities of Boolean logic or tautologies are actually equivalent to each other too. Because any valid syllogism is really just a tautology.

Discovery the greater tautological unity is, in fact, very surprising to me. You see, every system is axiomatic algebraic logic is complete as it can prove all tautologies or existing logical truth. Remarkably, all the logic tautology, in fact, can be derived from the axioms by simply using algebraic substitution rules. That is the unity of tautological truth is algebraic or mathematical.

This tautological unity indicates that the validity of the syllogism as a tautology, can also be actually derived from the principle of Contradictio ad Absurdum. Here’s the proof: a syllogism is true, if and only if its denial is false.

Denial of a syllogism called by Christine Ladd-Franklin, Peirce’s student who later became the first female Doctor of the United States in the field of natural science, as antilogism. So a syllogism is valid if only if its antilogism is false. That is indeed a valid syllogism can be derived from a single axiom Kauffman: contradictio ad absurdum. This fact encouraging my heart.

The Foundation of the Unity: 1

However, starting from the reference of Kauffman, I finally found out that Charles Sanders Peirce actually built a system of logic, namely The simple existential graph system, based on just one axiom as well. However, his axiom is much simpler than the principle of Contradictio ad Absurdum in its formulaic form a IF AND ONLY IF (IF NOT a THEN b) AND (IF NOT A THEN NOT b). TRUE is his only axiom and it is denoted by ZERO in the system of existential graphs. The principle of Contradictio ad Absurdum, which is the single axiom of Kauffman, is just a theorem in Peirce’s Existential Graph axiom system.
Peirce proved this with his 5 rules of logical inference which may be difficult to remember. I will prove it mathematically with the notation of Boolean NOT(x) = 1 – x, x AND y = x -1 + y and IF x THEN y = x-> y = 1 – x + y as follows:
1 = (1-a) -1 + (1 + a)                                                                    {because 1-1 = 0 and a-a = 0}
= (1-a-a + a) -1+ (1-a + a + a)                                                                              {from a-a = 0}
= (a + a-> a) AND (a + a -> a)                             {from the definition of x-> y and x AND y}
= (a + a = a)                                                                                    {from the definition x = y}
= ((a + b) -1+ (a + 1-b ) = a)                                                      {because 1-1 = 0 and b-b = 0}
= ((1- (1-a) + b) -1+ (1- (1-a) +1 -b) = a)                            {because – (- a) = + a and 1-1 = 0}
= ((NOT(a) -> b) AND (NOT(a) -> NOT(b)) = a)      {from the definition of x-> y and NO (x)}
= ((IF NOT(a) THEN b) AND (IF NOT(a) THEN NOT(b)) = a) {the translation of -> in words}
Because TRUE is 1, then the single axiom of Kauffman
THEN NOT(b)) = a,
formulated in the Box Algebra of Kauffman as
[[a] b] [[a ] [b]] = a,
is TRUE.

Conclusion and Aftermath:

If the Euclidean geometry requires 6 axioms, it turns out that the Boolean algebra necessitates only one single axiom axiom alone and it is 1 as it has been demonstrated above. Back then, after finising junior high school, I admired the beauty of Euclidean geometry that describes physical space, which is inhabited by the universe, that is based on 6 axioms.

Now, in my retirement, I am faced an extraordinary fact that the mental space, which is inhabited by our thoughts, is based on just one axiom: 1. This brought me an incomparable happiness because the universe is derived from the ABSOLUTE ONE in accordance to Tawheed, apparently of origin of the ideals is also a relative One. The relative One is just a shadow of the ABSOLUTE ONE. Allah Is The Greatest. Praise to the Lord of all the worlds.

OK, the lines above is modified reposting of my blog The Ultimate Unity of Logic
Discovering Arithmologic
It is subjectivelly religious since I am a muslim. However, further contemplation will also show that the ultimate foundation of logic is 0 (symbol of TRUE) in Peircean and Sommersian Arithmologic
The Ending: Combinatoric Game of Thing

Finally I simulated Sommersian arithmologic in the various combinatoric games of thing in series of blogs from Literal Combinatoric of Plouquet
to Holological Reflection
Thank you for following the trackback of my journey in logic.
Hopefully, you will join

Monday, September 28, 2015

Solving the Tardy Bus Problem

Using the Combinatoric Game of Marbles
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

In previous blogs we prove the validity of classical syllogism comprising two premises involving two concepts by playing logic game of things. But classical syllogisms is just the easiest logical problems that is possible. In fact there are enormous multiplicity of problems with more than two premises involving more than three concepts. In this blog we will use the Ploucquet-Sommers game as a tool to solve a problem given by Professor Layman E.Allen    of the Yale university who created the WFF’N PROOF: a game of logic based on Polish notation.

The Tardy Bus Problem
One problem that can be solved with Boolean logic has many complex impicative propositions as premises. The following table shows the formation and transformation rules for such problem

Ploucquet Sommers game

Given the following three statements as premises:

1. If Bill takes the bus, then Bill misses his appointment, if the bus is late.
2. Bill shouldn’t go home, if (a) Bill misses his appointment, and (b) Bill feels downcast.
3. If Bill doesn’t get the job, then (a) Bill feels downcast, and (b) Bill should go home.

Is it valid to conclude that
Q1 –if Bill takes the bus, then Bill does get the job, if the bus is late? ___YES___NO
Q2 –Bill does get the job, if (a) Bill misses his appointment, and (b) Bill should go home? ___YES___NO
l doesn’t take the bus, or Bill doesn’t miss his appointment, if (b) Bill doesn’t get the job? ___YES___NO
Q4 –Bill doesn’t take the bus, if (a) the bus is late, and (b) Bill doesn’t get the job? ___YES___NO
Q5 –if Bill doesn’t miss his appointment, then (a) Bill shouldn’t go home, and (b) Bill doesn’t get the job? ___YES___NO
Q6 –Bill feels downcast, if (a) the bus is late, or (b) Bill misses his appointment? ___YES___NO
Q7 –if Bill does get the job, then (a) Bill doesn’t feel downcast, or (b) Bill shouldn’t go home? ___YES___NO
Q8 –if (a) Bill should go home, and Bill takes the bus, then (b) Bill doesn’t feel
downcast, if the bus is late?

Solving the problem
To answer the question we will represent the premises as combinations of colored marbles representing the concepts in the logical universe using the following rules

Tardy bus concepts

to get the arrangement of colored marbles for the premises is like this
Tardy bus problem
By eliminating pairs of same colored marbles across the paper boundary, we got the following conclusion:
tardy bus conclusion
which is interpreted as Q4 having the answer YES.
So Q1, Q2. Q3, Q5, Q6, Q7 and Q8 have the answer NO.

If you think this is a big difficult problem, my next blog will present you a gigantic problem containing 20 premises involving 18 concepts to test the power of my combinatoric game. That problem is the famous froggy problem of Lewis Carroll. Unfortunately, he died before he was able to publish the solution — but he warned that it contains “a beautiful ‘trap.’”

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hological Reflection

Holological Reflection
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

In my previous blog, I was telling you a my story of logic in a subjective perspective. In the end of the story I invite readers to join my new egroup Well, what is holologics? Holologics is a study of logics as parts of an integral whole as an abstract object LOGIC in the subspace of the Platonic mathematical space of numbers and forms. It seems that the object LOGIC is a network of logics as abstract system in the ideal world of Plato. Its realizations in material world had been emerging as parts of the development of human civilization in response to technological revolutions.

Firstly, logic as a science was studied verbally by Aristotle  who symbolized the terms of a syllogism with letters. Structurally, a syllogism can be seen as three propositions containing three types of letter each one is occuring once in each proposition. The first pair of proposition is called premises and the last proposition is called conclusion. I will call Aristotlean logic as logologic as the concise term for word logic. The logological revolution followed the agricultural urban revolution.

In the nineteenth century George Boole

  make a revolutionary step in logic by replacing words of aristotle with mathematical symbols so every propositions is expressed by an algebraic equations, and reasoning become eliminations of variables in a system of equations. I will call such algebraic method as algologic as concise term for algebraic logic. The algological revolution is following the mechanical industrial revolution.

Charles Sanders Peirce   and Gottlob Frege   make another revolution when they represented any logical expressions as diagrams in two dimensional space. Peirce used circles   and Gottlob Frege  used trees  . Later, George Spencer-Brown 

 used crosses  and Louis Kauffman 

  used boxes   as parts of their expressions of logical propositions. I will call such method as pictologic as the concise term of pictorial logic. Pictological revolution was following the electrical industrial revolution.

Inspired by pictologic which still used letters as representation of variable, I replaced letters with the pictures of colored objects  to create what I called as objective logic algebra   . Calculating logic with objective algebra, I am inspired to replace boxes and trees with real objects like cards and sticks to transform the algebras of logic into games of thing  . I will call my three dimensional method as hylologic as the concise term for object logic. Hylological revolution is following informational electronic revolution.

I think my discovery is only a last step in the chain of a long tradition of doing logic with devices. John Venn the discoverer of Venn method used movable parts of wooden ellipses. William Stanley Jevons created a logical piano  to reason with syllogism.  Allan Marquand

. William Stanley Jevons 
improved Jevon’s machine to make his own logical machine  . Peirce transformed Marquand mechanical machine into an electromagnetic  logical machine  . Today we have computers as a logical machines.
Logologic, algologic, pictologic and hylologic are representations of the abstract logic. As I see it now, the process of realization seems to be following a path of methodological simplification. You are invited to join the logic REVOLUTION :)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Combinatoric Logic Game of Things
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

In my sequence  of blogs I have presented variety games of things with different rules of arranging things, but single rule of disposing pair of things, all simulates the proving of valid categorical syllogisms in the table of Leibniz. In fact, all games that being discussed can simulate the proof of hypothetical and disjunctive syllogisms of the Stoic. It even can prove all tautologies of the Boolean algebra of logic.

The simplest game of logic is purely combinatoric that simulating Ploucquet method of proving syllogism which has two premises. The premises consist  of two state letters. The conclusion can be derived by disposing paired letters of similar sound but different case in the combination of premises.  The capital letters are representing universal  subject and negative predicate. The lower case letters are representing particular subject or positive predicate they represent.

Let me show you how can we play the general combinatoric game with tin soldiers used as representation of concepts or variables and a sheet of paper to differentiate the universality / negativity or particularity / positivity of the concepts by positioning the tin soldiers outside or inside the paper borders.  This convention is the reversal of the convention held in my last blog. But the new convention seems more natural.

Categorical proposition of Aristoteles

In Ploucqetian combinatoric “all a is b” is represented by Ab, “no a is b”  is represented by AB, “ some a are b” is represented by ab and “some a are not b” is represented by aB.  In the tin soldiers combinatorics game of logic They represented by the following picture

Proving Aristotlean Syllogism Validity

The simulation of the proof of the validity of Barbara syllogism by playing the tin soldiers game is shown by the following picture:

Proving Stoic Syllogism validity

The game can be used to prove the validity of the hypothetical and disjunctive syllogisms of the Stoic logicians: modus ponens, modus tollens and modus tollendo ponens.


The game In this blog is based on the Sommersian arithmologic. However more complex games can also be created based on Boolean and Peircean arithmologic.  As a tool such games is too complex, however  it shows that all arithmologic systems can be simulated with combinatorics games of thing.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My story of Logic.

My Story of Logic
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

When I was a secondary school student, my uncle always said that I was illogical in our discussions. While I was in high school, I found a book for introductory logic in my uncle's library. That's because my uncle is a law student. Reading this book I have a perception of logic as branch of philosophy like ethics and aesthetics. So it is just a meaningful strings of words.

When I was a physics student in ITB, in the university library I found out that Aristotle , the founder of the science of logic describe his science all in words and some times with single alphabet. So I really could not comprehend it. However, when I read logical positivist books, I knew that logic is now formulated in  symbols like propositional calculus in Russell -Whitehead   book Principia Mathematica. I read it, still I could not comprehend it.

In my student years in ITB my other uncle came from United States brought a wonderful game WFF'N PROOF, but I could not play it and I could not comprehend the goal and the rules of game. Later in the internet, I knew that in the past Lewis Carroll , the famous author of Alice in Wonderland,  had designed another board game of logic, but, as for me, it is also hard to understand. :(

Later, when I started lecturing physics in ITB, I learned to program the mainframe computer in Fortran as the programming language. There I knew that beside NOT, AND and OR there is another logical operation called IF THEN. I knew then, that computers operation is based on logical algebra called Boolean algebra which is very easy to be studied because its arithmetic base is only involving two numbers: 1 and 0.

When I read George Boole original book, it is very difficult book to be read especially when he related his mathematically formulated logic to the verbally described syllogisms of Aristotle. However when I read George Spencer-Brown George Spencer-Brown in the 70s of the last century write a strange ... book, which is recommended by Bertrand Russell "Not since Euclid's Elements have we seen anything like it", in his appendix I knew that the 24 Aristotle-Leibniz syllogisms can be proved easily with his method. However I can not comprehend his strange symbolism using cross and void as fundamental operation and constant.

When I retired, I can access the internet through the campus computer and I can download a book Laws of Form by Louis Kauffman  . In this book I understood that the primary algebra in GSB book is nothing but a simplified axiomatization of Boolean algebra. But I am not interested in logic until I have found another logic operation XOR in the formulation of imaginary units of 16 dimensional number called sedenion.

That's why after 10 years studied the hyperdimensional numbers in the hypernumber mailing list as a class in the internet as a cyber-university, five years ago I joined another class So I start my quest to simplify the axiomatization of Boolean algebra until finally found the most simple axiomatization using easy arithmetical identities as inference rules. I called the system as arithmologic.

Unfortunately, there are no respond to my discovery. So I was just continuing to report my journey in the Boolean subspace of the mathematical Platonic space of numbers and forms in my blogs. The surprise is that finally I discovered the game of things as the simulation of the algebra of logic that it is so simple so it can be taught to a kindergartener.

Fortunately it was reponded by me fellow student in hypercomplex mailing list that I had left five years ago. So to discuss more seriously my logical discoveries in new mailing list that I call If you are also interested in the topic, please join me in my new new yahoogroups which try to discuss logic in wider base than binary values and its representations in formulas, diagrams, games, poems and rythms.

Thanks for your attentions.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Combinatoric Logic Game of Anything

Combinatoric Logic Game of Anything
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

In my previous blog it has been shown that the arrangement and disposal of pairs of colorful cards with two orientation can prove any valid syllogism tabulated by Leibniz by the lineal combinatoric of Ploucquet. The combinatoric verification process can be simulated by the game of arranging and disposing colored cards  with two orientations.

In the following it will be shown that we can also make the game arranging and disposing anything with the help of a piece of paper. The secret is the fact that we can replace the changing the card orientation to represent the opposite concept in the last game with the changing of the thing position relative to the paper in the new game. In this blog we will use marbles and a piece of card as the pieces of the new logic game.

Fundamental Categorical Proposition of Aristotle

If concept a is representing by a marble   , the its opposite NOT a is represented by the the same marble inside the border of a card 
If the subject is represented by a red marble and predicate b represented by green marble , then the fundamental categorical statement of Aristotle is represented by pairs of marbles will be shown in the following table

The premises and conclusion of a syllogism form is one of four such statements.

Proof of the Validity of Syllogism

The game playing that simulate the proving of the validity of a syllogism includes the following steps
  1. juxtaposing the marble pairs which represent both premises of a syllogism
  2. disposing the pair of same colored marbles with different positions
  3. putting the marble which represent the subject of the second premise as the marble that represent the subject of the syllogism conclusion.

With a game like this, we can do the proving of valid syllogisms with ease, because the end result of the game is a representation of the syllogism by disposing pair(s) of 
colored marbles in
opposite positions in the  Leibniz’s  table below:
End notes

1.  The colored marbles can be replaced with anything that has duplicates and the card can be replaced with any sheet of paper.

2. The rules of forming the premises can be reversed. Thing outside the border of the paper is representing a universal or negative variable and the inside one is representing particular and positive variable.