Literal Combinatoric of Plouquet
Armahedi Mahzar (c) 2015

Gottfried Ploucquet

Gottfried Ploucquet
In previous blog, I pointed out that there are three kinds
of arithmologic (Boole, Peirce and Sommers) but all three are structurally similar
to each other. Essentially any arthmological statement is expressed as string of
letters and symbols of mathematical operations. \
In this blog I will present a simpler literal combinatoric method which is inspired by Ploucquet nethod in the 18th century, before Boole introduced the algebraic symbolism for logic in the 19th century. The method is presented as a combinatoric literalization of Sommersian arithmologic.
The following are the arithmological symbols
| Boole letter 1 0 1- + -1+ |
| Peirce letter 0 1 1/ + |
| Sommers letter - + + |
Similarity of of the formulas can be shown by the following table of syllogism
| Syllogism IF p AND q THEN r |
| = NOT (p AND q) OR r |
| Boole 1-(p-1+ q)+r = 1-p+1-q+r|
| Peirce 1/(pq/r) = 1/p 1/q r|
| Sommers -((p+q)-r) = -p -q+r|
Proving its validity has also a similar procedure, namely:
the annihilation of pairs of oppositely signed variables.
Seeing the structural and procedural similarities, we can expect that there is a simpler symbolic formulation. The following is one of its simplification. For simplicity, I will use the Sommersian arithmologic as a reference, because it is the simplest.
Combinatoric Simplification of Arithmologic
To simplify the Sommersian arithmologic, we can use the
following literalization conventions:
- Write the + sign with no spaces or symbols at all
- Write -x as the uppercase X.
- Write the + sign with no spaces or symbols at all
- Write -x as the uppercase X.
Categorical statement Aristotle
By shortening convention, we can
write Aristotle fundamental categorical statement as follows:
(1) Universal affirmative
Aab = 'all A is B'
can be written as Ab
(2) Universal negative
Eab = 'no a is b'
can be written as AB
(3) Particular Affirmative
Iab = 'some a are b'
can be written as ab
(4) Particular Negative denial
OAB = 'some a are not b'
can be written as aB.
(1) Universal affirmative
Aab = 'all A is B'
can be written as Ab
(2) Universal negative
Eab = 'no a is b'
can be written as AB
(3) Particular Affirmative
Iab = 'some a are b'
can be written as ab
(4) Particular Negative denial
OAB = 'some a are not b'
can be written as aB.
Validity proof of syllogism
In this notation the verification algorithm of the validity
of 24 syllogism Leibnitz in the following table
becomes very simple:
Step 1: write a joint symbol for premises
Step 2: delete the upper/lower case pair of letters.
The algorithm is becoming more concise and easier than the arithmologic.
Even elementary school children can do :)
We will make the proofs of all valid syllogism in column 1 in the Leibniz table now.
Barbara proof is
Abc AND Aab = Ab Bc = Ac = Aac
Celarent proof is as follows
Ebc AND Aab = Ab BC = AC = Eac j
and Darii proof is like this
Abc AND Iab = ab Bc = ac = Iac
Similarly, the proof of Ferio is
EBC AND Iab = ab BC = aC = Oac
To prove the existential syllogism proof is also simple.
Barbari proof is as follows
Iaa AND Aab AND Abc = aa Ab Bc = ac = Iac
and the Celaront proof islike this
Iaa AND Aab AND EBbc = aa Ab BC = aC = Oac.
Syllogisms in the other columns also can be proven in the same way. Just use the Leibniz-Ploucquet table below

becomes very simple:
Step 1: write a joint symbol for premises
Step 2: delete the upper/lower case pair of letters.
The algorithm is becoming more concise and easier than the arithmologic.
Even elementary school children can do :)
We will make the proofs of all valid syllogism in column 1 in the Leibniz table now.
Barbara proof is
Abc AND Aab = Ab Bc = Ac = Aac
Celarent proof is as follows
Ebc AND Aab = Ab BC = AC = Eac j
and Darii proof is like this
Abc AND Iab = ab Bc = ac = Iac
Similarly, the proof of Ferio is
EBC AND Iab = ab BC = aC = Oac
To prove the existential syllogism proof is also simple.
Barbari proof is as follows
Iaa AND Aab AND Abc = aa Ab Bc = ac = Iac
and the Celaront proof islike this
Iaa AND Aab AND EBbc = aa Ab BC = aC = Oac.
Syllogisms in the other columns also can be proven in the same way. Just use the Leibniz-Ploucquet table below
Well, this is very easy expression. The formula, with no signs of any math, is a mere string of small and capital letters. While the algorithm is not arithmetical but purely combinatorical.
Thus the method becomes very easy as well: merge premises and delete letter pairs.
End notes
Because this method is similar to the letter method of Ploucquet, I shall call it
as Ploucquet logical method of literal combinatoric. The notation for the
negative is similar to the notation of Ploucquet for universality.
However, Ploucquet also
have a more visual method, namely the method of lineal combinatorics that, I think,
is easier than the method of literal
combinatoric. Hopefully, I will show a
simplification of the literal Ploucquet method with the line pictorial in my next blog. :)
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